Successfull launch of Soyouz at Kourou using TimeLink systems
Last generation TimeLink synchronisation system generating UTC and Countdown time was part of this launch
Last generation TimeLink synchronisation system generating UTC and Countdown time was part of this launch
A brief history of the time is defined across the world. 1884: International time is defined Adopted Greenwich as the prime meridian Recommended GMT as the reference time for the world Proposed the time zones system 1 second = 1/86400 Lire plus …
TimeLink has made extensive testing on its TMG product line using Galileo service. All newly introduced TimeLink products are Galileo Ready and thus are already receiving Galileo messages for timing and synchronization. Being Multiconstellation the products can select multiple or Lire plus …
Thank you so much to all our visitors at our TimeLink and ORBITICA joined booth at EUROSATORY 2018. Should you need any further information please mail to:
The new line of desktop synchronization equipments, dedicated to development, test and maintenance TIMELINK MICROSYSTEMS is proud to announce his new line of desktop equipments dedicated to measurement, test and development of systems requiring an external synchronization with time or Lire plus …
Today concerns arise around GPS spoofing capability which mean building a system that creates signals that would appear to a receiver to be from GPS satellites. Transmitting these false GPS signals to receivers may cause them to lock onto the Lire plus …
Timelink is pleased to introduce its new optical fiber time transport system. TMO3000-T/R is a transmitter/receiver system made of 2 units allowing transmission of 3 analogs and 4 digitals signal over an optical fiber Signals are digitalized at the input Lire plus …
Timelink products are protected against those vulnerabilities by the fact that in order to exploit the vulnerability, malware is required to be run locally within the system. When using a Timelink product, only authorized users with the appropriate password can Lire plus …
NTP is a protocol which allows a customer to be synchronized starting from a TCP/IP network.It was developed to provide a UTC (Universal Time Co-ordinated) of a precision about the millisecond for LAN network and about 50 milliseconds for WAN. Lire plus …
When using a disciplined clock (GNSS disciplined for instance), two modes of operation are of importance. Disciplined Mode When the pilot is disciplined, the quality of the algorithm used and the pilot stability characteristics will determine the overall clock stability Lire plus …