TimeLink is pleased to introduce its new India product distributor
Mr Anjan Prasad will be your contact person in India, he has a great knowledge concerning Time and Frequency products and it makes no doubt he will represent TimeLink greatly all over India. Please check at : #30, Sharada Nivas, 15th Lire plus …
TimeLink is proud to introduce its time source characterization and validation tool : TME
TimeLink and its customer are often meeting the challenge of working with different time source and sometimes discrepancies between the sources can be misleading. For instance when data logging events using low accuracy source like NTP, events can easily fall Lire plus …
Redundant input signals distributors
Timelink would like to pinpoint all the advantages or the redundant double input Signal distributor TMD23xx. As a matter on fact, its double input allows a great resilience to the loss of one of the two inputs thanks to its automated Lire plus …
TimeLink referenced within the major Time and Frequency suppliers
TimeLink is referenced withIn the GSA GNSS market study as one of the major Timing and Frequency solution supplier. It is interesting to note the market will be driven by the new technology such as the autonomous car, the smart Lire plus …
TimeLink est fier de faire partie du catalogue CNES des capacités de l’industrie spatiale française
Le CNES vient de publier le catalogue des capacités de l’industrie spatiale française. Plus de 120 entreprises françaises ayant une activité significative dans la conception, le développement, la réalisation, les opérations ou l’exploitation de systèmes spatiaux y sont référencées. Objectif Lire plus …
TMB300/500 Diode temps – IP vers RS422/TOR
Timelink présente sa nouvelle gamme de produit Timelink Microsystems Brigdes qui permet de sécuriser les accès réseaux. Cette gamme de produit est construite autour d’une pile IP propriétaire de TimeLink, cette pile a été entièrement développée en interne et implémente uniquement Lire plus …
TMD113 PPS distribution unit with configurable electrical output
Timelink is pleased to introduce ils PPS distribution unit 1 input to 16 outputs with a choice of electrical signal on each output betwenn TTL, RS422 and ICD-60. Please consult its TMD1133 datasheet
Anti Spoofing Option
What is GPS/GNSS spoofing? Radio interference can overpower weak GNSS signals, causing satellite signal loss and potentially loss of timing. During a spoofing attack a radio transmitter located nearby sends fake GPS signals into the target receiver. GPS spoofing should Lire plus …
Enhanced multi-source synchronized (GNSS, IRIG-B), configurable 8 outputs (IRIG-B, PPS, Digital, 10Mhz) Time and Frequency generator TMG5020
The TMG5020 time and frequency generator is a highly configurable equipment synchronized via GNSS, NMEA/PPS or IRIG-B. It features 8 individually configurable outputs amongst IRIG-B, PPS, Digital pulse and analog 10Mhz. The TMG5020 can synchronize on a choice of Lire plus …